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No Deforestation Commitment

I. Introduction

SITC International is committed to becoming a responsible shipping and logistics company on a global scale. We are well aware of the importance of forests to the earth's ecosystem, so we are committed to taking active measures in our business activities to protect forest resources and reduce negative impacts on the natural environment.


II. Commitment

To achieve the goal of no-deforestation protection, SITC International commits to:


1. End all deforestation (no large-scale deforestation): We will stop or reduce all deforestation related to our production, trading and/or sales by 2025. To achieve this goal, we will take the following actions:

a. Implement sustainable procurement policies to ensure that our supply chain does not have a negative impact on forest resources.

b. Support forest protection projects, such as preventing illegal logging, protecting wildlife, etc., to reduce the impact of our business on forests.

c. Reduce energy consumption and waste emissions through technological innovation and optimization of operating processes, thereby reducing pressure on the forest environment.


2. Compensation through future reforestation (zero net deforestation): By 2040, we will compensate for forest loss caused by our business activities through measures such as reforestation. Specific measures include:

a. Support and participate in international, national and regional forest reconstruction and restoration projects.

b. Cooperate with local communities and non-governmental organizations to jointly carry out forest protection and restoration projects to improve the ecological functions of the forest.

c. Optimize routes and land transportation methods to reduce the impact on forest ecosystems.


3. Scope of commitment: Our no-deforestation policy or commitment covers all parts of our value chain, including our own operations, suppliers and partners. Specific measures include:

a. Fully consider forest protection factors when selecting new project sites to avoid impact on important forest areas.

b. Conduct a forest protection impact assessment on existing businesses and take necessary measures to reduce the impact on forests.

c. Encourage suppliers and partners to adopt forest protection measures to jointly reduce pressure on the forest environment.


4. Policy Endorsement: Our no-deforestation policy has been endorsed by members of SITC International's board of directors and executive management.


5. Engage with stakeholders on no deforestation: We will work with suppliers, customers, local communities, NGOs and other stakeholders to work together to protect forest resources. Specific measures include:

a. Communicate regularly with stakeholders to understand their concerns and needs and jointly develop forest protection strategies.

b. Actively participate in industry and regional forest protection initiatives and share experiences and best practices.

c. Increase transparency by disclosing our efforts and results in protecting forest resources through public reports and company websites.


6. Monitoring and disclosure of compliance: We will regularly monitor our progress in achieving our no-deforestation commitments and disclose our efforts and results in protecting forest resources through public reports and company websites. Specific measures include:

a. Establish a forest protection monitoring system and conduct regular evaluations of business activities.

b. Incorporate forest protection into the company's overall risk management system to ensure that forest protection becomes an integral part of the company's environmental protection.


III. Policy Scope

This policy applies to all business activities of SITC International, including self-operated business, suppliers and partners.


IV. Execution and Supervision

We will ensure that this policy is effectively implemented within the company and regularly monitor and report on our progress towards achieving our commitment to no deforestation. We will disclose our efforts and results in protecting forest resources through public reports and company websites.


Through its no-deforestation commitment, our company will strive to contribute to forest protection, actively fulfill corporate social responsibilities, and achieve sustainable development.