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Fighting COVID-19 and solving customer problems, SITC is in action

2020 is destined to be an unforgettable year for everyone. It is not only spring that accompanies the new year, but also a new type of corona virus that we humans have never encountered. Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus, SITC has been paying close attention to the development of the situation, while striving to fight the epidemic with the people of the country, while maintaining the best interests of customers and providing reliable services. All SITC people practice this philosophy in our posts.

Work outdoors, serve customers anytime, anywhere

Affected by the epidemic situation, office buildings in many places are restricted from entering and exiting. In order to ensure that customers can change D/O and handle other business timely, we temporarily arrange for customers to exchange D/O on the open space in front of the office building.

This mode of order exchange provides customers with convenience, saves a lot of time, and implements customer-oriented policy.


       2020年2月5日21点20分“东方强”轮靠泊天津港集装箱码头,船上装载的8个集装箱顺利实施了“零等待”的“船边直提”作业。此批货物为石家庄四药有限公司从台湾进口的医用疫情防控物资原料,为保证防疫物资及时到位,天津海关、天津理货、天津港集团和天津外代给予大力协助,我司也开辟绿色通道,在相关单据上给予特殊支持,保证了船边直提的顺利进行。 用责任担当践行使命,全力支持防疫工作。

       为防疫和抗击疫情,各省市纷纷出台货运车辆通行、限行政策,拖车成了客户出运的瓶颈,海丰积极开拓铁路方式、水路方式等来替代拖车,解决客户的出运问题。 上海-海防一批在 建F1赛车场项目,由于疫情影响,司机无法从上海去无锡做箱。我司帮助客户用铁路的方式将空箱运到无锡,客户装箱后再把重箱用铁路运回上海出运,保证了客户的交期。

       考虑到客户诸多工作不便,海丰各公司通过各项软性服务举措最大程度方便客户无纸化办公,减少人员接触。 一方面将部分业务通过网上预约等方式集中办理,另外在正本改电放、货物改港、正本提单签发、电放保函等业务环节调整流程,尽可能由现场办理改为远程办理,并简化中间所需流程和资料,特殊时期特殊处理,充分体现了海丰的灵活性和专业性。

       疫情无情人有情!海丰始终坚持客户至上的原则,将与所有客户一起,众志成城,共克时艰,取得抗疫的胜利!        祈祷疫情很快过去,期盼早日春暖花开。