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杨现祥荣获Capital Link中国航运论坛杰出领袖奖

          2016年5月10日,由国际专业从事航运融资服务的Capital Link主办的中国航运论坛首次在中国上海拉开帷幕,此次大型海事论坛聚集了全球众多船东及知名金融机构和银行。海丰国际董事局副主席兼CEO杨现祥先生及相关领导参加了此次活动。
          最后,在中国航运论坛颁奖礼上,杨现祥CEO荣获杰出领袖奖,该项殊荣也是本届航运论坛颁发的唯一奖项。以下为Capital Link主席Nicolas Bornozis先生对授予奖项的声明:

The Capital Link Shipping Leadership Awards honor global leaders in the shipping space recognizing their contribution to the development of the industry. They are presented in the context of our forums in New York, London, Athens and now Shanghai. We are honored to present the “Capital Link China Shipping Leadership Award’ to Mr. Yang Xian Xiang, Chief Executive Officer of SITC International Holdings in recognition of his role in building SITC into a major diversified inter-Asian Chinese shipping group and his contribution to internationalizing the profile of Chinese Shipping.



杨CEO与Capital Link主席Nicolas Bornozis先生合影留念